julstro Method of massage therapy

Licensed Massage Therapist with over 20 years experience, Suzanne Geyer is located in Sarasota, Florida.

the journey to be pain free

are you seeking relief from chronic muscle pain?

Are you living with chronic muscle pain; and struggling to manage it?

Repetitive movements can cause discomfort.

Muscles, joints, nerves…are interconnected and mutually supportive of each other. When one is off, the body as a whole and its function is off too, and pain is the result.

The JULSTRO method of muscle therapy goes straight to the source of tension, the trigger point, and releases it.

I perform in person massage sessions AND teach you home techniques to keep you pain free.

Another great feature of the JULSTRO Method is the treatment is done with the client fully clothed, (light workout clothes suggested.) No messy oils involved.

Initial massage session $95 (50 min)

special: 3 session bundle purchased on day of initial visit $255


ready to start your journey to pain free living?

Suzanne Geyer is a licensed massage therapist (LMT), Lic # MA 82316.